Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Free Daily Aquarius Horoscope

There is a new website and blog up with Free Daily Aquarius Horoscope and Free Daily Aquarius Horoscope Blog

Here is an article reprinted from Aquarius Curiosity

Aquarius are known for being curious, in fact it has even been recommended that you should wear something unique to attract their attention as they are so curious. This curiosity can be both a good and a bad thing. On one hand this curiosity can be very helpful as it gives you an urge to explore and test things. It should be no surprise that Thomas Edison, a man famous for continually testing things till he got what he wanted, was an Aquarius. Can you imagine how far back we would be set technologically wise if we didn't have these curious inventors like Thomas Edison to test and experiment on the things that raised their curiosity?

We also see Aquarius curiosity among great explorers as well, the famous polar explorer Ernest Shackleton was an Aquarius as where explorers of air and space respectively Charles Lindbergh and Buzz Aldrin.

Clearly these Aquarius's curiosity proved beneficial to the whole human race, though perhaps it didn't always seem so beneficial when they were spending hours tinkering or nearly freezing to death.

However not all curiosity is so productive. Aquarius are also known for self destructive behavior merely for the sake of "trying it". One such case often pointed to is drug abuse, as they are more prone to experiment with drugs, not because they are depressed or trying to partake of self destructive behavior but merely because they are course to experience the effects.

Obviously this self experimenting can have very harmful consequences though it should be noticed that many times self destructive behavior can still be very helpful to others as we can learn what not to do by observing the errors of another person's self destructive ways.

Therefore it is important not to choke off your curiosity, you may be able to create or find something great. But for your own good you should ensure that your experimentation doesn't become self destructive.

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